Mastering Average Questions: Essential Tips for Bank Exam Success

Bank exams are highly competitive and require a firm grasp of various mathematical concepts. Among these, average questions are a common component frequently appearing in these tests. Mastering these questions can significantly boost your performance and increase your chances of success in bank exams. This article will explore essential tips and strategies to help you quickly conquer average questions for competitive exams, especially for bank ones.

Fundamentals of Average

The average, often called the arithmetic mean, is a central value used to represent a group of numbers. To calculate it, you add all the numbers in a set and then divide by the total count of numbers.


Average = (Sum of Numbers) / (Total Count of Numbers)

Here are some relevant tips for mastering these kinds of sums.

Practice Regularly

Practice makes perfect, and this holds for mastering these questions as well. Consistent practice will foster your familiarity with diverse categories of such problem statements and enhance your speed and precision. There are numerous online resources, books, and practice tests available that can help you get started.

Understand Different Types

Questions around this concept in bank exams come in various forms, including simple, weighted, and mixed average queries. Understanding the distinctions between these types and practising each category separately will help you tackle any such question that comes your way.


This involves finding the average of a set of numbers.


Requires considering the weights assigned to different elements in the set.


Combines elements of both simple and weighted averages.

Learn Shortcut Techniques

Bank exams often have time constraints, so learning shortcut techniques is essential to help you quickly solve these problem statements. Some common shortcuts include:

Multiplying the average by the total count

If you know the average and the real count, you can quickly find the sum of the numbers.

Using the concept of ‘midway’ points

In mixed questions, you can use midway points to simplify calculations.

Break Down Complex Problems

Sometimes, these problem statements can appear complex at first glance. To tackle these queries effectively, break them down into simpler steps. You can solve the problem with increased efficiency and heightened precision by breaking down the problem into simpler components.

Practice Mental Math

Mental solid math skills are invaluable when dealing with these queries during a bank exam. Practising mental math regularly will enable you to perform calculations swiftly and accurately, giving you a significant advantage.

Data Interpretation

In many bank exams, such problems are presented within the context of data interpretation. Ensure you read and understand charts, tables, and graphs. This skill will help you extract relevant information to solve these queries efficiently.

Work with Real-Life Scenarios

Try to relate these questions to real-life scenarios. For instance, consider such queries as situations where you must distribute resources or calculate a team’s performance. This approach can make the problem statements more relatable and easier to solve.

Time Management

Time management is crucial during bank exams. Set aside a specific amount of time for such problem statements, and if you find a question too time-consuming, move on to the next one and return to it later if time allows. Don’t get stuck on a single question; it could cost valuable points.

Mock Tests

Engaging in mock tests offers a valuable opportunity to effectively replicate the real exam conditions. It helps you become comfortable with the format, time constraints, and questions you might encounter. Additionally, it allows you to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.


In conclusion, mastering average questions for competitive exams, especially banking exams, is essential for success. You can significantly improve your performance by understanding the basics, practising regularly, learning shortcut techniques, and focusing on time management.